“Do not conform yourselves to this age but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and pleasing and perfect.” Romans 12:2 (NABRE)
To explain the life and mission of Couples for Christ and to inspire people with the desire to be part of this community
This talk marks the end of the Christian Life Program. However, it is not really the end, but just the beginning. The Lord has laid the foundation for our transformation throughout the Christian Life Program. Our transformation, and what we have gone through, may be likened to the story of the man born blind in the Gospel of John 9:1-38. To continue our transformation, we need to grow in holiness and discipleship and have a greater commitment to service. This we can attain in Couples for Christ.
Christ could have restored the sight of the man born blind by merely saying the words, “Be healed!” But Jesus has chosen to go through a “process” of making mud paste with spittle, rubbing it on the eyes of the blind man, and sending him to the Pool of Siloam. In the same way, Jesus could have transformed us and opened our eyes to his plan by some other means. But he has chosen to open our eyes and transform us through the “process” of the Christian Life Program. Let us thus praise and thank the Lord for calling us, for opening our eyes, and for starting the process of our transformation in Christ.
Highlight video of the entire Christian Life Program
Talk proper
Family Mission Statement
▪ Participants will be given a handout with questions they need to answer.
▪ Participants will bring their children to the Highlight video of the entire Christian Life Program. Introduce to the whole group.
▪ The children will have age-appropriate session with Kids for Christ / Youth for Christ /Singles for Christ (Separate Zoom rooms if possible.)
Pray-over of families
Plenary sharing
Note: Dedication Ceremony including
▪ General pray-over of participants
▪ Welcome to the Couples for Christ family
▪ Singing “Welcome to the Family”
▪ Sharing of participants of their experience
Highlight video of the entire Christian Life Program
Talk proper
Family Mission Statement
▪ Participants will be given a handout with questions they need to answer.
▪ Participants will bring their children to the Highlight video of the entire Christian Life Program. Introduce to the whole group.
▪ The children will have age-appropriate session with Kids for Christ / Youth for Christ /Singles for Christ . (Separate Zoom rooms if possible.)
Dedication Ceremony
Pray-over of families
Plenary sharing
Note: These shall only be conducted only when the government allows, following the strict health guidelines of the area.
This dedication talk, since it includes official acceptance of new members into the body, should be handled by a Couples for Christ elder. He is a credible witness of Christian transformation through growing in holiness, discipleship and commitment to service.
Our transformation and what we have gone through the past weeks may be likened to the story of the man born blind in the Gospel of John 9:1-38. The story gives a lesson on the blind man’s transformation in Christ.
1. Jesus opened the eyes of the blind man. The blind man did not heal in an instant, but through a process. In the gospel account, Jesus made a mud paste and placed it on the blind man’s eyes. He asked him to wash it afterwards. When we joined the Couples for Christ, all of us have had our own version of “blindness”. As we went through the different modules, it gradually opened our eyes.
2. When people asked the blind man who cured him, he responded by saying that he was cured by “the man called Jesus”. Being blind for a long time, Jesus is unfamiliar to him. Like the blind man, we have also gone through a period of unfamiliarity of Jesus. We knew him by name, but through the Christian Life Program, we were able to deepen our knowledge of Him.
3. When they asked the blind man who cured him for the second time, he responded that the man was a prophet. This is a significant transformation. From “a man called Jesus”, the blind man now professes, “He is a prophet”. He was starting to recognize him, and has progressed to the level of admitting that Jesus is a prophet. As the Christian Life Program progresses, our relationship with Jesus became more personal – we can now identify him in our life.
4. Toward the end of the story, the transformation has come to its fullest. From the “the man called Jesus”, to “he is a prophet”, the man becomes a believer in his final statement, “Lord, I believe.” That encounter opened his eyes literally and figuratively. As we come to the end of the Christian Life Program, we should ask ourselves, have we achieved this transformation? From one who only remotely knows “the man called Jesus”, are we now ready to proclaim him as “my Lord”?
Transformation is a continuous process in Christ. As we continue on, we need:
1. Growth in holiness (1 Pt 1:15-16) It is not by accident that you joined the Christian Life Program. God called you. As God who called you is holy, you are enjoined to live in holiness.
2. Growth in discipleship (Mt 16:24) To be disciples of Jesus, we have to carry our own crosses. We have to be like Christ who embraced the cross for others. We must listen to the language of the cross and live out its true meaning.
3. Greater commitment to service (1 Pt 4:10) Our transformation through a greater commitment to service takes place by serving God, neighbor, society, Church and country. To concretize our growth and transformation, God wants us to raise up families in the Holy Spirit that will renew the face of the earth.
1. It is a great privilege to be where we are now – to have a personal relationship with Jesus and have the support of a vibrant community like Couples for Christ. This happened through God’s mercy and grace. We ought to respond with gratitude and humility.
2. In Couples for Christ, we can continue our transformation in Christ. We will continue to grow in personal holiness through our regular prayer time and Scripture reading, reflection and study; through our faithfulness to the covenant of Couples for Christ; and through the CFC Formation Program. There will be numerous opportunities to render service.
3. We will develop a greater commitment to evangelize. Evangelization is the global mission of Couples for Christ. Every Couples for Christ member is an evangelist. We must endeavor to bring others to Couples for Christ to meet Christ.
The leader explains the commitment ceremony.
The leader invites everyone to stand. A song of offering oneself is sung. (e.g. Here I am Lord, Amen Our Hearts Cry)
The leader invites everyone to read out the covenant of the Couples for Christ. They all read aloud together.
The leader prays over the newly committed brothers and sisters, inviting the old members to pray in their heart with him. During this time of prayer, it is appropriate to insert one solemn song. (e.g. Spirit of the Living God)
The leader welcomes the new brothers and sisters to Couples for Christ and invites the old members to express acceptance by means of one big applause. This is followed by spontaneous greeting and welcoming of the new members by the old members. The music ministry plays “Welcome to the Family” and other lively songs.
Fellowship follows.
Know who you are as a family. Identify what are the important life principles you live by.▪ What is the purpose of our family?
▪ What kind of family do we want to be?
▪ What do we value most as a family?
▪ What kind of parents do we desire to be?
▪ What kind of relationships do we desire to grow?
▪ How can we as a family, contribute to our community and society?